Saturday, November 6, 2010

One small Plot

My arm is the colour of these
actually, both my arms and nose...

As C and I worked from this:

to this:

Caroline, her day job a massage therapist
and green thumb extraordinaire all other times,
and I reaped these organic benefits today
from our community plot.
We had so much produce
passers by thought we were a stall from the Veg out Farmers market
held at the 'Peanut farm oval' next door...!

Our plot is the size of a human grave
its amazing what a small amount of earth can produce...!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eddy,

    I'm on my merry way writing about your store. I will send you the link when it's up. Thank you for sharing your stories and the drinks. The L.S.D is my new favourite!

