Sunday, December 26, 2010


After another year
where the build up leads
only to the desire to have a long sleep in..
We three, a family unto ourselves
kept it simple.

We opened a bottle of wine
a gift from Michael at 'Popular Eggs'
and promptly toasted him,
his kindness and his wisdom.

We silently dropped our heads
Then blessed our beuatiful meal
made from things we'd grown, or had been given to us
and that we had access to via the general store.
The store, with all it's stories
all it's people.
And we sat in T's back yard
under an overcast sun
in a milky sky, and did not much at all.

Happy happiness
Merry joy joy

We are closed for a few days
then on with another year we go.

I, for many reasons
will be invisible as of this year
so I send many thanks to the community
that I love very much.
I have seen your kids grow,
your families form,
you graduate high school,
break up with each other,
get back together, with someone else
and I have said good bye before you passed away.

There will still be update's in cyber land
all be it, things will be a little different
but as ever,
the shop will be full of organic things,
kaos and slowness.

Blessings xxx eddy


  1. A beautiful post. You'll be missed Eddy.

  2. I am sad to read this...but will look forward to your posts!! thanks!!.. Bella x
