Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Fairy Queens birthday.

My niece turns three fingers today
every night she goes to bed
and dreams of mermaids
If I could
I would buy her this Mermaid ring
for one of her little digits.

Instead I sent her this book

It was my mum's when she was little-
it is quite large and needed an extra big parcel bag to send it to her.
When my sister and I were young
our mum would tuck up into bed
and wrap us up like parcels
she would write an address on our chests
place a stamp on our foreheads
tie a bow in the imaginary string
and send us off to sleep...

We would have dreams like this

Happy Birthday Fairy Queen Mermaid Elsa.
You bring so much love to all of us
May your life be limitless. X

1 comment:

  1. This was my favourite book as a child. I am now 80 but still remember it vividly. I am hoping to buy a copy.😊
